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Showing posts from September, 2019


*You can fly again.* The only time it's over is when it's over. Don't make the mistake of letting go when you still have the chances to make change. Sometimes, what you just need is to take a deep breath and start again. Don't be afraid of the pain you have to take, if it's worth taking - take it. Remember, the precious diamond goes through some rough process before it starts shining. Believe in yourself, believe in what you do and make sure you do the right thing in the right way. Don't be carried away by your past failures, look ahead of you and hope for the best. The best in the sense of success. Think success today and you will fly again. - Mumeen Adeshina Muis

Know your Rhesus today

Operation Know Your Rhesus Factor Today!!!  PHYSIOLOGICAL BLOOD GROUP AWARENESS            Maria got married in the year 2010, from that time till now she has been rocked with 10 heart breaking miscarriages. To her, she blames the terrible experience on the witches in her village, she doesn't know that she and the Nigerian dysfunctional system is the cause of her predicament. I will tell you how, seat back and enjoy this brief lecture. Have you ever heard of the word Rhesus factor? Rh factor is a protein that can be present on the surface of the red-blood cell. People that have the Rh factor are Rh positive +, those who do not have the Rh factor are grouped as Rh negative-. The + and - in front of the blood group is the rhesus factor. So we A+, A-, O+, O-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-. Rhesus factor is genetic, it's gotten from the parents emphatically the man.  Now that we are clear on what Rh factor is let us move further to why I said Maria is t...