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Some months ago, I met a man on my way coming back from work, very late in the evening. He said to me "My brother, the only secured job in Nigeria is being a security personnel". Stunningly, I looked at him and nodded in agreement just to acknowledged his assertion. He could be right or wrong, I don't know. So I said to myself, I don't even know this man. We've not even had any prior conversation that could prompt such statement. Because of time, I couldn't ask him the question of 'why' before we departed. But I believe his judgement to be that of his perception and the way he chose to interpret it.

In our journey of life, we will keep meeting different set of peoples, some as friends, acquaintances or total strangers with a completely different upbringing, background, behavior, belief, purpose These different features of people will continually make it possible to have different perceptions from people about things in general.

Part of the important factors leading to perceptual differences can also be as a result of our thought and mental processes. We tends to process information differently and give our output or feedback in a way that is completely different from other people's output. That's why a successful organization is as a result of efficient board members who rub minds together.

Another factor that could resulted into perceptual differences is our visual, auditory and kinesthetic (VAK) representation of life. Our visual representation is determine by what we see such as pictures, object Our auditory representation is determine by what we hear such as music, and other sounds. Lastly, our kinesthetic representation is the emotional aspect or touch, this can also include our sense of taste and smell.

Leonardo da Vinci mused that the average human ‘looks without seeing, listens without hearing, touches without feeling, eats without tasting, moves without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of odour or fragrance, and talks without thinking'. Therefore, this largely contribute to the perception we are likely to form as part of our reality.

Delving into perception, I found out that our perception to things largely contribute to how people perceived us. Whether at the place of work, school or other social or public joints. Personally speaking, I have come across people who are of the perception that doesn't define who they really are. Sometimes people react to things from emotional point of view without putting into consideration the logical aspect of it. 

People are so quick to disband/criticize others people perceptions when it doesn't conform with theirs. Hence placing themselves as the 'know it all' master. Little did they know how rich the views of life can be if we decide to feel and see things the way other people's will. Don't just be an antagonist of others people's viewpoint, you can leave that for a politician. Instead, understand how perception works.

You can't deny others their way of thinking, it's their birth right, but you can better understand when, where and how such person arrived at his/her perception.

🅒Muis A. Mumeen (A.K.A) Manyx


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