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The probability of success and failure.

The probability of success and failure is just one.
The choice of whether to let the proportion of success exceeds failure is now yours.
It's only a weak mind that dreams about failure, strong mind sees success even when the chances are thin.
The major reason for setting goals is to achieve it and that is success but sometimes not all the goal set is achievable. The interesting part of it is that all goal setter always dream to accomplish their goals even when they know their chances of losing.
Do you ever think of  football matches? Even when the opposition knows they are losing they still play with the hope of winning and eventually they might win.
Sometimes you can be in a position of winning but when your mind is not ready to win you eventually lost. Likewise, you can be in a position of losing but when your mind perceive success         you eventually won.
Don't plan with the mindset of losing, think success.

Most of all human inventions are birth after several mistakes not usually at first attempt.  The telephone you are currently using originates from several mistakes, to talk of the success of it's manufacturer is that you can make use of it. When you aren't getting it right now doesn't mean you can't make it, what you need is PERSISTENCE!!

My favourite qoute on this comes from Calvin Coolidge " Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan PRESS ON has solved and always will solve the problems of human race".

Success and failure sometimes walk in the same direction, it's left  to you to determine which to follow. But remember to choose wisely. Choose the path with a heart. On the path of success there is always certainty and uncertainty. On one hand, you get exactly what you want. On the other hand, you might not get exactly what you want but at least you get something reasonable.  Putting into consideration the certainty and uncertainty part boost one's morale of positive thinking. Never let the thought of uncertainty occupied your mind; always think more of certainty. Always let the proportion of success exceeds that of failure and by that you can always succeed.

Remember, you only have one opportunity. This opportunity can either yield a success or a failure but when one is confidence enough to see success one will always succeed.

#Think about this....

Thanks for reading.


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